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TAP Career and Credential Exploration (C2E) 2-Day Track

  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 08:00
  • 16 Jul 2024
  • 16:00
  • 404 W. Martin St, Bldg 1650 Scott AFB, IL 62225
  • 11


Registration is closed

The DOL Career and Credential Exploration (C2E) curriculum assists service members evaluate career options, gain information for training and employment, and identify the next steps to prepare for a transition into a high-quality civilian career. The workshop includes personalized career development assessments of occupational interests and aptitudes to help service members identify occupations that may be the right fit for them. Participants will be guided through a variety of career considerations, including labor market projections, education, apprenticeships, certifications, and licensure requirements. 

Location: Military and Family Readiness Center

Uniform: Business Casual Recommended

What to bring: A laptop with a mouse is highly recommended for completing the 3 assessments on interests, aptitudes and work values.

For workshop or general TAP inquiries, please contact the TAP Team 


Phone: (618)256-8668 DSN 576-8668


Address: 404 W. Martin St. Bldg 1650

Scott AFB, IL 62225


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