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Personal & Family Readiness Program

The Personal and Family Readiness Program provides support services to help service members, DOD civilians and their family members meet the challenges associated with all phases of deployment. Deployment-related programs deliver information, support, and assistance, fostering competencies and coping skills to help deal with mission demands and family responsibilities.

Readiness Briefings

Pre-Deployment Briefing

Deploying personnel must attend a pre-deployment briefing 30-60 days prior to departure. This briefing includes supporting agencies such as Installation Personnel Readiness (IPR), Transportation Management Office, Military & Family Life Counselors, and Finance. The Readiness portion of the briefing focuses on the Emotional Cycles of Deployment, coping mechanisms, family support programs and aids, and member/family planning considerations. Information on and enrollment into the Hearts Apart Program for family members will be completed at this briefing. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend all readiness briefings.  

Reintegration Briefing

Reintegration briefings discuss the Emotional Cycle of Deployment, coping mechanisms, member/family planning, and available helping agencies. This briefing includes SAPR, Mental Health, Chaplain, Military & Family Life Counselors, Finance, and a readiness brief. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend all readiness briefings.

Remote Tour Briefing

The Remote Tour Briefing is required for members that are married or have dependents and are selected for an unaccompanied assignment. This briefing consists of information on programs and services to support family members staying in the Scott AFB area while the member is on an unaccompanied assignment. Information on and enrollment into the Hearts Apart Program for family members will be completed at this briefing. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend.

Sustainment Services

Sustainment services are programs for military, Department of Defense civilians, and family members separated from their military member because of service-related commitments (deployments, temporary duty, and remote tours).

Hearts Apart Program

Hearts Apart events are free activities that vary in location and date. These events are a good opportunity for you and your children to connect to others, ask questions, relax, and have fun! 

Give Parents a Break

Families of deployed members qualify for four hours of free childcare. Give Parents a Break is a referral program sponsored by the Air Force Aid Society. To receive a voucher or for more information please contact your unit’s First Sergeant, PCM, Chaplain, or the M&FRC.

Family Child Care Home Daycare Program

Families of deployed members are authorized 16 hours of free childcare of children aged 6 to 12 years. Please contact the FCC Office for more information at (618) 256-8156.

Additional Deployment Resources

Deployment Support Information

The AMC "We Care" resource guide contains a working list of services and resources available to members of our military community. It serves as a reference for personnel, families, leadership, and supervisors. The guide allows you to choose and connect with a variety of available resources. Please click the logo on the left to be directed to the Scott AFB "We Care" resource guide. 

Upcoming Readiness Briefings

  • 31 Mar 2025 09:00
    M&FRC 404 W Martin St., Bldg. 1650, Scott AFB, IL 62225
  • 2 Apr 2025 14:00
    M&FRC 404 W Martin St., Bldg. 1650, Scott AFB, IL 62225
  • 3 Apr 2025 09:00
    M&FRC 404 W Martin St., Bldg. 1650, Scott AFB, IL 62225
  • 7 Apr 2025 09:00
    M&FRC 404 W Martin St., Bldg. 1650, Scott AFB, IL 62225
  • 9 Apr 2025 14:00
    M&FRC 404 W Martin St., Bldg. 1650, Scott AFB, IL 62225


Phone: (618)256-8668 DSN 576-8668


Address: 404 W. Martin St. Bldg 1650

Scott AFB, IL 62225


This site is a public service by the Scott AFB, Military & Family Readiness Center. The presence of commercial and external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the M&FRC, Scott AFB, AMC, the USAF, or the Department of Defense (DoD), of the external web site, or the information, products or services contained therein.  Eligibility Statement: DoD Personnel & families - including military members, all Service & Guard, Reserve, military retirees, DoD civilians, NAF personnel & immediate family members. Other uniformed services include US Coast Guard, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, uniformed State Department personnel, Public Health Service personnel & members of units assigned or attached to a US installation. All individuals have the right to receive services in a non-discriminatory, culturally responsive, and affirming manner, with equal access when requesting and receiving services.

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