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EFMP Workshop - PUNS/SSI/Military Survivor/TriCare for Life/Medicaid

  • 21 Oct 2023
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • M&FRC (this will also be available virtually)

Registration is closed

Do you have a family member that may need Tricare beyond age 21?  Will they require secondary dependency? What is secondary dependency? Will they need to apply for state benefits? What educational opportunities are available for family members with an intellectual disability? What is an IL Able Account? Do you have other questions about planning for their future?

Please include sponsor branch of service when registering


Phone: (618)256-8668 DSN 576-8668


Address: 404 W. Martin St. Bldg 1650

Scott AFB, IL 62225


This site is a public service by the Scott AFB, Military & Family Readiness Center. The presence of commercial and external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the M&FRC, Scott AFB, AMC, the USAF, or the Department of Defense (DoD), of the external web site, or the information, products or services contained therein.  Eligibility Statement: DoD Personnel & families - including military members, all Service & Guard, Reserve, military retirees, DoD civilians, NAF personnel & immediate family members. Other uniformed services include US Coast Guard, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, uniformed State Department personnel, Public Health Service personnel & members of units assigned or attached to a US installation. All individuals have the right to receive services in a non-discriminatory, culturally responsive, and affirming manner, with equal access when requesting and receiving services.

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