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EFMP Resources & Contacts

Additional DOD EFMP Contacts

ANG/AGR Representative:

126 Air Refueling Wing

Military & Family Readiness Program Manager

COM: 618-222-5784

DSN 760-5784


Army EFMP 

Enterprise EFMP

If the family is living in Illinois, they will need to contact Ft. Campbell.

Org box:

Jennifer Pippin - 270-956-0051 -

Andrea R. Russell - 270-798-8830 -

If the family is living in Missouri, Iowa, or Minnesota – they will contact Ft. Leonard Wood EFMP.

Org box:

Aaron Lanford - 573-596-9180 -

Sandra Roper - 573-596-9908 -

Marine/Navy EFMP 

Norfolk EFMP - Medical

April Kountz - (757) 953-7805

Norfolk EFMP Coordinator

Dalia Perry - (757) 953-2935


Quarter Desk - (757) 953-5008


EFMP Case Liaison

Betsy Kelsey - (518) 886- 0200 ext. 148            


Regional EFMP Liaison

Loris N. Velez-Acevedo - Phone #: (757) 322-9127


Marine EFMP

Marine EFMP Enrollment

Tamika Sawyer – 703-432-6723

Fleet & Family Support Center Great Lakes 

Available to assist service members and their families through counseling services, deployment and transition support, financial and life skills education, and much more.

Fleet & Family Support Center

Bldg. 26, Suite 300

525 Farragut Avenue

Great Lakes, IL 60088

Phone: 847-688-3603 Ext. 100

Hours  of Operation: Monday - Friday 07:30 - 16:00

Facebook Page:

Click here to check out the NAVY EFMP App or through the Apple Store

Navy Respite Care

Child Care Aware - 800-424-2246

*Sponsor needs verification letter and can submit verification letter online through NFAS under the EFMP tab.

Fisher Clinic, Navy at Great Lakes base Illinois

Phone: 847-688-2469, Opt 1, Opt 3, Opt 2 for OCONUS screening

Scott AFB School Liaison Office

Dr. Cindy Doil Phone:

(618) 256-9595 


School Liaison Website

EFMP AFPC Central Cell

Email office organization inbox

Call Toll Free


DAF EFMP Facebook

Local Resources

Illinois Service Provider Identification & Exploration Resource (SPIDER)


United Way of Greater St. Louis

United Way 2-1-1

Use these sites to determine eligibility and to apply for and manage your healthcare, food, and cash assistance benefits.

Find Meals for Kids When Schools are Closed | Food & Nutrition Service USDA

Hunger Free America

Illinois Department of Human Services: Cash, SNAP & Medical Assistance

Illinois Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) 

St. Clair County Offices


Phone: (618)256-8668 DSN 576-8668


Address: 404 W. Martin St. Bldg 1650

Scott AFB, IL 62225


This site is a public service by the Scott AFB, Military & Family Readiness Center. The presence of commercial and external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the M&FRC, Scott AFB, AMC, the USAF, or the Department of Defense (DoD), of the external web site, or the information, products or services contained therein.  Eligibility Statement: DoD Personnel & families - including military members, all Service & Guard, Reserve, military retirees, DoD civilians, NAF personnel & immediate family members. Other uniformed services include US Coast Guard, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, uniformed State Department personnel, Public Health Service personnel & members of units assigned or attached to a US installation. All individuals have the right to receive services in a non-discriminatory, culturally responsive, and affirming manner, with equal access when requesting and receiving services.

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